As we know, that main ingredient in sushi is rice. Therefore, the quality of sushi is depends on rice and how you cook it. This is not so hard, but it is important, because the taste of sushi will mirror the skills of the cook.
There are pretty much two types of rice. Thin and Fat (Short Grain Rice). Thin rice just won’t do. So the rice that you need is a fat looking one. You can see the difference in the picture below.
To make rice for sushi you will only need sushi rice and sushi vinegar. While looking for the rice in the store, you may also find Risotto Rice. Even though Risotto rice may look like sushi rice, it has different taste. I recommend Blue Dragon Sushi Rice (very good for sushi) or any other short grain rice that looks fat. Here are the brands of rice to use.
By experimenting with rice you will find out that each type of rice has it own taste and look when cooked. Of course, it takes time to figure out which rice is easer to cook and which rice suits you best.